In the red non scaly disorders it will discuss other types of Lupus and lichen planus under L in CUL DVA EVIE, Some rarer annular erythemas under A and look at a larger range of Infiltrating disorders under I in EVIE.
In the pustular disorders II there are a few rarer non infective pustular diseases coming under the I for Inflammatory heading as well as Drugs and Pustular Psoriasis including Sneddon Wilkinson disease, Necrolytic migratory erythema, Bowel bypass syndrome , Sweets syndrome and others that you should bring up as differentials in this group.
The ICI mnemonic for vesicular and blistering disorders needs only a few other considerations at Specialist level.
The rest of dermatology can be covered by considering disorders with a funny shape, colour or distribution and rarer diseases that fit into each of these subcategories will also be illustrated.