Saturday, May 4, 2013

Teaching Dermatology Specialist Trainee Edition

This edition will add in some of the rarer red scaly diseases (PMs PET(AL)) such as Pityriasis rubra pilaris, Pityriasis lichenoides, Pityriasis rotunda, Perforating disorders. The letter L also covers Lichen planus, Light eruptions, Lues. The small s usually stands for Solar but as Specialists consider Scabies , Syphilis and Syndromes. There are many rare conditions under the syndrome tag that we will discuss below.

In the red non scaly disorders it will discuss other types of Lupus and lichen planus under L in CUL DVA EVIE, Some rarer annular erythemas under A and look at a larger range of Infiltrating disorders under I in EVIE.

In the pustular disorders II there are a few rarer non infective pustular diseases coming under the I for Inflammatory heading as well as Drugs and Pustular Psoriasis including Sneddon Wilkinson disease, Necrolytic migratory erythema, Bowel bypass syndrome , Sweets syndrome and others that you should bring up as differentials in this group.

The ICI mnemonic for vesicular and blistering disorders needs only a few other considerations at Specialist level.

The rest of dermatology can be covered by considering disorders with a funny shape, colour or distribution and rarer diseases that fit into each of these subcategories will also be illustrated.